Once the diagnosis of lipedema has been confirmed, the doctor must first determine the stage and severity of the lipedema. For this, the doctor will make the following classification:
Lipedema is divided into 3 stages:
Stage: formation of orange peel (small dents)
Stage: Development of larger dents (mattress skin)
Stage: large, harder skin flaps and skin bulges that even cover the hand and back of the foot
Depending on the severity, there are also 5 types of lipedema
Type: limited to the buttocks and hip region
Type: up to the knees and fat flaps on the inside of the knee
Type: to the ankles
Type: only hands and feet are not affected
Type: water retention (edema) even in the hand and back of the foot, fingers and toes
(Lipolymphedema), damage to the larger lymph vessels